About The Event
Complete guide on API development which includes building APIs using Nodejs and Expressjs, testing using Mocha and Chai and documenting the APIs using Swagger. This event will be followed by an API building competiton wherein participants will build APIs according to the functionalities given to them.
Organised by
CodeCell (Tinker's of Computer Engineering Department)
VES Institute of Technology
Monday, 28th March 2022
Event Schedule
Here is our tentative event schedule
Registration starts
Registration ends
API Development Workshop
12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
API Development Competition
3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
Computer Department, VESIT
Room Number 301, 3rd Floor, Computer Engineering Department, Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology
Check our gallery from the recent events
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Can anyone participate in the event?
This event is open to all students of VESIT, irrespective of department.
Is there any Fee to pariticipate?
No. The event is free of cost.
What is the size of each team
Each team will consist of two members.
Should the team members be of same class?
No. The team members need not belong to the same class
Should the team members belong to the same department?
To be verified!!!!!
Where can we learn to develop API's ?
We will be conducting a workshop on API development before the competition.
How can one Register?
The link for Registration is given below: Registration Link
Our Team
These are our team members

Ajay K
Web Designer

Rohan G
Public Relations

Arnav B
Public Relations

Jay D
Web Designer

Amit C
Web Designer

Hritwik E

Rakshit Deshmukh

Sneha Karthik
Technical Management
Vishesh Mittal
Technical Management

Yashraj Desai
Web Design

Neeharika Nagori

Mihir Pamnani
Web Designer

Vaidehi Bhagwat
Technical Management

Ayushi Salunkhe

Ananya Pandey
Public Relations

Khushi Bhatia

Madhura Mhatre
Public Relations

Neeraj Chawla

Om Gole
Web Designer

Yashvi Dhar
Technical Management

Dhanajay Pai
Technical Management

Yash Narkhede
Web Designer

Sakshi Shinde